
The p53 pathway and metabolism: implications in normal tissue homeostasis, aging and cancer progression

Le 03 septembre 2024 à 10h00 Séminaire

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Mutation of the TP53 gene is the most frequent genetic alteration in human cancers. Tumor suppressive functions of p53 have been linked to its ability to control cell division, cell death and cellular senescence. However growing evidence indicates that the metabolic functions of p53 play important roles in cancer progression. Our team has been studying the metabolic functions of the p53 pathway for many years and highlighted previously unknown functions of several key components of this molecular cascade in pyruvate, amino-acid, and nucleotide metabolism. Beyond cancer development, I will illustrate how deregulation of these metabolic networks impacts on normal physiological responses in the liver, contributes to cancer development and leads to inborn metabolic disorders.



Salle de réunion 4004, IGBMC


Dr Laurent LE CAM

Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier


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